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Overview of R, Java and JSON interfaces

Main API methods

The programming and JSON interfaces provide a common set of functionality to carry out data management and analysis tasks. The following table gives an overview of available functions.

Methods in R, Java APIs and JSON interface

geneXplainR genexplain-api Java method JSON executor Description
gx.analysis GxHttpClient.analyze (isWorkflow: false) analyze (workflow: false) Runs a platform analysis method with specified parameters
gx.analysis.list GxHttpClient.listApplications apps, listItems (type applications) Lists available platform tools
gx.analysis.parameters GxHttpClient.getAnalysisParameters itemParameters (type application) Lists parameters for a platform tool
gx.createFolder GxHttpClient.createFolder createFolder Creates a folder in the platform workspace
gx.createProject GxHttpClient.createProject Creates a project in the platform workspace
gx.delete GxHttpClient.deleteElement Deletes specified folder or data item
gx.export GxHttpClient.export export Exports data using a dedicated exporter
gx.export.parameters GxHttpClient.getExporterParameters exporter (with specified exporter), itemParameters (type exporter) Lists parameters for an exporter and the export item
gx.exporters GxHttpClient.listExporters exporter, listItems (type exporters) Lists available exporters
gx.get GxHttpClient.getTable get Gets specified table item
gx.import GxHttpClient.imPort imPort Imports a data file using a dedicated importer
gx.import.parameters GxHttpClient.getImporterParameters importer (with specified importer), itemParameters (type importer) Lists parameters for an importer and the import folder
gx.importers GxHttpClient.listImporters importer, listItems (type importers) Lists available importers
gx.isElement GxHttpClient.existsElement Checks whether a workspace element exists given its platform path GxHttpClient.getJobStatus jobStatus Gets the status for a job id
gx.login GxHttpConnection.login Signs into a platform account to start a session
gx.logout GxHttpConnection.logout Signs out of a platform account to end a session GxHttpClient.list Lists contents of a platform folder
gx.put GxHttpClient.putTable put Uploads a data table into specified folder
gx.workflow GxHttpClient.analyze (isWorkflow: true) analyze (workflow: true) Runs a platform workflow

geneXplainR-specific functions

The following functions were specifically implemented in the geneXplainR package.

Function Description
gx.classifyChipSeqTargets Runs the workflow ChIP-Seq - Identify and classify target genes (TRANSPATH(R))
gx.ebarraysWorkflow Runs the workflow Compute differentially expressed genes using EBarrays
gx.enrichedTFBSGenes Runs the workflow Identify enriched motifs in promoters (TRANSFAC(R))
gx.enrichedUpstreamAnalysis Runs the workflow Enriched upstream analysis (TRANSFAC(R) and TRANSPATH(R))
gx.explainMyGenes Runs the workflow Explain my genes
gx.importBedFile Imports a BED file into the platform workspace
gx.importTable Imports a data table into the platform workspace
gx.limmaWorkflow Computes differentially expressed genes between all condition pairs using Limma
gx.mapGenesToOntologies Runs the workflow Mapping to ontologies (Gene table)
gx.searchRegulators Searches for signal transduction regulators of input proteins
gx.trackToGeneSet Maps one or more tracks to genes of the most recent Ensembl release
gx.upstreamAnalysisTransfacGeneWays Runs the workflow Upstream analysis (TRANSFAC(R) and GeneWays)
gx.upstreamAnalysisTransfacTranspath Runs the workflow Upstream analysis (TRANSFAC(R) and TRANSPATH(R))
gx.vennDiagrams Creates a Venn diagram for up to three tables

genexplain-api-specific Java method

The Java API provides the method com.genexplain.api.core.GxHttpClient.importTable to conveniently upload a data table into the platform workspace.

Commandline applications of genexplain-api

Contents of this section can also be found in the genexplain-api documentation. To focus on general utilities, this presentation does not cover the example and regulator-search applications which are described here and here.

apps - Listing available tools

The application apps produces a listing of the available analysis tools on a certain server. It takes a single argument that specifies a file containing a JSON object with several properties of which only the server property is required. Example output:

genexplain-api$ java -jar build/libs/genexplain-api-1.0.jar apps input.json 
INFO - Running command apps
Data manipulation/Annotate diagram
Data manipulation/Annotate table
Data manipulation/Annotate track with genes
Data manipulation/Composite module to proteins
Data manipulation/Convert table
Data manipulation/Convert table to track
Data manipulation/Convert table via homology
Data manipulation/Create folder
Data manipulation/Create miRNA promoters
Data manipulation/Create random track
Data manipulation/Create tissue-specific promoter track
Data manipulation/Create transcript region track
Data manipulation/Filter one track by another
Data manipulation/Filter table
Data manipulation/Filter track by condition
Data manipulation/Gene set to track

The parameters that can be specified with the JSON input file are described in the following table.

Parameter Description
server Server URL to connect to
user Username to use for connection
password Password that belongs to the username
withParameters If true will produce tsv-table of tools and their parameters
withGalaxy If true will also include tools integrated from Galaxy
outfile Output file. Prints to standard output if outfile is absent or empty
connection Package and name to locate a Java class to use for connection. This class must implement com.genexplain.api.core.GxHttpConnection.
client Package and name to locate a Java class to use as platform client. This class must implement com.genexplain.api.core.GxHttpClient.

parameters - Parameter descriptions for platform and Galaxy tools

The parameters application fetches parameter descriptions in JSON format for one or more tools from a platform server. It takes a single argument that specifies a file containing a JSON object with several properties of which only the server property is required. The output is a JSON object containing the tool names as keys as the retrieved parameter descriptions as values.

Parameter Description
server Server URL to connect to
user Username to use for connection
password Password that belongs to the username
tools JSON array with tool names
outfile Output file. Prints to standard output is outfile is absent or empty
connection Package and name to locate a Java class to use for connection. This class must implement com.genexplain.api.core.GxHttpConnection.
client Package and name to locate a Java class to use as platform client. This class must implement com.genexplain.api.core.GxHttpClient.

importer and exporter - Descriptions of data importers, exporters and their parameters

The importer and exporter tools present lists of available data importers or exporters or parameters for specified importer/exporter types. If provided with the path as well as importer or exporter names, the platform parameters for the specified type on given path are extracted. Otherwise (one of the parameters missing or empty) the list of available importers and exporters is printed to standard output or, if an outfile is specified, to an output file.

Parameter Description
server Server URL to connect to
user Username to use for connection
password Password that belongs to the username
path Platform path. Exporters: the item to export, Importers: the path (usually a data folder) to import to
importer/exporter Name of the importer/exporter to get parameters for
outfile Output file. Prints to standard output is outfile is absent or empty
connection Package and name to locate a Java class to use for connection. This class must implement com.genexplain.api.core.GxHttpConnection.
client Package and name to locate a Java class to use as platform client. This class must implement com.genexplain.api.core.GxHttpClient.

exec - Executing tasks using the JSON interface

The exec application provides a rich interface to interact with platform servers using JSON documents to configure tasks. It is possible to create complex workflows including re-usable workflow templates, loops and conditional branch points. The Hello world-tutorial demonstrates several ways of how to make use of this interface. The exec interface provides a set of executor functions that can be invoked within a task list. The available executors are described in detail below.

Parameter Description
server Server URL to connect to
user Username to use for connection
password Password that belongs to the username
verbose Set true get more progress info
reconnect Set true to allow attempts to reconnect in case the connection is interrupted
connection-class Package and name of a Java class that implements com.genexplain.api.core.GxHttpConnection and will be used instead of the standard class
client-class Package and name of a Java class that implements com.genexplain.api.core.GxHttpClient and will be used instead of the standard class
credentials A file containing a JSON object with user and password properties
withoutConnect Set true to execute tasks without connecting to a platform server
replaceStrings A JSON array of two-element arrays defining string replacements
loadTasks A JSON object of task templates or an array of file paths containing task template definitions
nextTask A JSON object or array of the next task to perform

Main executors

The following table describes available executors. Most of them correspond to public methods of the Java API, but some are only provided by the JSON interface, e.g. branch or external. Each executor and its JSON configuration is described in more detail in the following sections. Their usage is also demonstrated by several examples.

Name Description
analyze Calls the analysis method with specified parameters
branch Executes a branch point
createFolder Creates a folder
export Export data using a dedicated exporter
external Runs an external tool
get Gets specified table
imPort Import a data file using a dedicated importer
itemParameters Lists parameters for specified application, importer, or exporter
jobStatus Gets the status for a job id
listItems Lists available application, importer, or exporter items
list Lists contents of specified folder
put Puts table into specified folder
setParameters Sets/adds/removes parameter strings


The analyze executor runs an analysis tool or workflow on the remote server.

  • method - Name of the platform tool or workflow, where orkflows are specified by their platform path.
  • parameters - A JSON object with parameters of the analysis tool or workflow.
  • workflow - Set true if the called method is a workflow.
  • wait - Set true to wait for the analysis to finish.
  • progress - Set true to obtain more progress information.
    "do":         "analyze",
    "method":     "name of tool or path to workflow",
    "parameters": { },
    "workflow":   false,
    "wait":       false,
    "progress":   false


Selects the next task or task set using a branch selector.

  • branchSelector - The canonical name of the Java class that implements the executor.

The JSON document can contain further properties that configure the selector. In addition, the JSON configuration that was used to invoke the exec application is handed to the selector. Please see example selector implementations in this source repository.

    "do":             "branch",
    "branchSelector": "com.branch.selector.Class",
    "other parameters": "further properties used by the selector"


  • path - Path of the parent folder.
  • name - Name of the new folder.
    "do":   "createFolder",
    "path": "platform path",
    "name": "name of new folder"


Exports an item from the platform workspace to a local file.

  • file - Local file to create for the export.
  • path - Path of the platform item to export.
  • exporter - Name of the exporter to apply, e.g. Tab-separated text (*.txt) for a text table.
  • parameters - Parameters to be specified to the exporter.
    "do":         "export",
    "file":       "local file path to store export",
    "path":       "platform path to export",
    "exporter":   "name of exporter",
    "parameters": "JsonObject with exporter parameters"


This executor invokes an external program, e.g. a C++ application or an R script.

  • bin - The command to be executed.
  • params - List of parameters to be specified to the external program.
  • showOutput - Set true to get output of the external program printed to standard output.
    "do":         "external",
    "bin":        "command to execute",
    "params":     "simple string or array of parameters to add to commandline",
    "showOutput": "set true to observe standard output of invoked tool"


Downloads a table from the platform workspace and optionally stores it in a local file and/or prints it to standard output.

  • table - Platform path of the table to download.
  • toFile - Path of file to which to write table.
  • toStdout - Set true to get table printed on standard output.
    "do":    "get",
    "table": "platform path of table to download",
    "toFile": "path of local file",
    "toStdout": "to print table object to standard output"


Imports a local file to the platform workspace.

  • file - Local file to import.
  • path - Platform path including the name of imported item.
  • importer - The importer to apply, e.g. Tabular (*.txt, *.xls, *.tab, etc.) for tables.
  • parameters - Parameters for the importer.
    "do":         "imPort",
    "file":       "local file to import",
    "path":       "the designated import location in the platform",
    "importer":   "name of importer",
    "parameters": "JsonObject with importer parameters"


This is a collectiv function that can get information about the available parameters for an analysis tool (application), exporter or importer. If the item is an exporter or importer, one needs to specify the corresponding target platform path to export or import.

  • name - Item name which may be the name of an analysis tool, an exporter or an importer name.
  • type - Type of item, one of application, exporter or importer.
  • path - If the item is an exporter or importer, the corresponding platform path is required to determine possible context-dependent parameters.
    "do":   "itemParameters",
    "name": "name of item for which to get parameters",
    "type": "type of item for which to get parameters: application, exporter, importer",
    "path": "if exporter or importer, path for which to get parameters in context with ex-/importer"


Returns the status of a running analysis job.

  • jobId - Id of the job whose status is requested.
  • toFile - Path of file to which to write output.
  • toStdout - Set true to get output printed on standard output.
    "do":     "jobStatus",
    "jobId":  "id of platform job to request status",
    "toFile": "path of local file",
    "toStdout": "to print output to standard output"


Gets listings of available applications, importers or exporters.

  • type - Type of items to list, one of application, exporter or importer.
  • toFile - Path of file to which to write output.
  • toStdout - Set true to get output printed on standard output.
    "do":   "listItems",
    "type": "type of items to list: applications, importers, or exporters"
    "toFile": "path of local file",
    "toStdout": "to print output to standard output"


Gets the listing of specified folder.

  • folder - Platform folder to get listing for.
  • toFile - Path of file to which to write output.
  • toStdout - Set true to get output printed on standard output.
    "do":     "list",
    "folder": "platform folder to get listing for"
    "toFile": "path of local file",
    "toStdout": "to print output to standard output"


Uploads a table from specified local file into the platform workspace.

  • file - Local file with data table to upload.
  • skip - Number of lines to skip in the beginning of the file.
  • delimiter - Column delimiter string.
  • table - JSON array of arrays with data columns. Note that the table has no title row, but columns are specified separately.
  • columns - Column definition by an array of two-element arrays giving column name and type, where type is one of Integer, Float, Boolean, or Text.
  • path - Platform path to put table which includes the name of the table item in the platform workspace.
    "do":        "put",
    "file":      "file with data table to put into platform",
    "skip":      "number of lines to skip in the beginning of input file",
    "delimiter": "delimiter of table columns in input file",
    "table":     "array of arrays with data to put into platform",
    "columns":   "array of two-element arrays specifying column names and type. The latter can be Integer, Float, Boolean, Text",
    "path":      "destination path of table in platform"


Sets/adds/removes string replacements in the parameter object that will modify parameters of subsequent tasks.

  • set - a JSON object whose keys can be found in the replaceStrings array of the parameter object and whose value will replace the current one.
  • remove - a JSON object whose keys will be removed from the replaceStrings array of the parameter object.
  • before - an array of two-element arrays that are inserted in the beginning of the replaceStrings array.
  • after - an array of two-element arrays that are appended to the replaceStrings array.
    "do":     "setParameters",
    "set":    "sets existing parameter to specified value",
    "remove": "removes existing parameter",
    "before": "add parameter before others in the parameter array",
    "after":  "add parameter at the end of the parameter array"